UPDATED: Help get more bike lanes built in Esquimalt

UPDATED: Help get more bike lanes built in Esquimalt

Esquimalt is asking for feedback on their draft strategic plan, and the current draft includes limited and unambitious language about cycling and active transportation.

Esquimalt is asking for feedback on their draft strategic plan, and the current draft includes limited and unambitious language about cycling and active transportation:

Support multi-modal transportation strategies that reflect the cumulative impact of
business and residential development

Research and consider best practices for multi-modal traffic initiatives and strategies

Esquimalt residents deserve better. Compare those words to what Victoria and Saanich have committed to do in just building bike lanes:

  • Victoria: Complete the 32km AAA bikeway network by 2022
  • Saanich: Build at least 4km of bike lanes annually (Saanich usually exceeds this goal)

Further, both of committed to ambitious bike and walk mode share targets in the next few years, alongside a host of other actions that support active transportation.

What could Esquimalt’s say?

Some suggestions on what to request Esquimalt Council include in its Strategic Plan:

  • Develop an Active Transport Plan for Esquimalt that identifies and prioritizes improvements to walking, biking and public transit
  • Fund new bike lanes and sidewalks a yearly, consistent budget
  • Create biking & walking mode share goals
  • Aim for a complete All Ages and Abilities bikeway network within 4 years

Update: Read the Capital Bike’s letter

You can read our letter to council here

UPDATE: Council is debating plan Monday night (May 13)

If you missed your chance to write to council, we have another chance on May 13th. You have two ways of getting voice known:

Come to Council on Monday May 13th at 7pm

Come to the meeting on May 13th at 7pm at Esquimalt Hall.

Write to council by emailing them at mayorandcouncil@esquimalt.ca

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