Sticker Challenge Winners

Sticker Challenge Winners

Thanks to everyone who participated in the 2022 Sticker Challenge! We had lots of fun and we hope you did too!

Now for the reason you all clicked on this post, to see who won! Winner were chosen by random draw based on which categories they qualified for.

The Champion: Jamie Wellbourn!

(collected all stickers)

In total we had 8 people collect all stickers from the over 60 locations! Totally nuts! Jamie went on an expedition to collect all stickers in one day, collecting 60/62 stickers on his over 140km trip! Awesome job, Jamie!

Colour Master: Tim Ford

(collected all of one sticker colour)

Tim also made a great twitter thread on his experiences during the Sticker Challenge which you can read HERE.

Rainbow: Kelsey van Dyke & Melody Stark

(collected one of each colour sticker)

Share Your Experience: Lauren Heppell & Heather Hey

(shared their #StickerChallengeYYJ experience on social media)

Small but Mighty: (collected 5+ stickers)

Elyssa Deelstra
Jessica Paquette
Jitka Vondraeck
Dylan Moore
Jason Xiao
Artem Radzikhovskyy
Tiffany Johnson
Evdokiia Rastorgueva
Josiah Faerber

Best Selfie

We had so many awesome submissions! Here are some of our favourites:

The crowd favourite based on a public vote goes to….

Nichola Kennell

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