Time for bike lanes on Oak Bay Ave and Fort St

Time for bike lanes on Oak Bay Ave and Fort St

The City of Victoria is asking for feedback about routes in the Jubilee neighbourhood, bordering on Oak Bay. There are a few options for where the new bike lanes can go, but we like Oak Bay Ave and Fort St.

The City of Victoria is asking for feedback about routes in the Jubilee neighbourhood, bordering on Oak Bay. There are a few options for where the new bike lanes can go, but we like Oak Bay Ave and Fort St.

What are the options?

There are three options: Fort St, Leighton Rd and Oak Bay Ave, with only a single route to be built in the near future.

City of Victoria’s Jubilee alignment options

We think Oak Bay Ave and Fort St make the most sense. Oak Bay Ave is a direct connection to Oak Bay and the businesses in the village, while Fort St connects to the Royal Jubilee Hospital. Leighton Rd is a non-starter for us. It leads to a dead end and connects to almost nothing.

Why build a bike lane in a commercial district or village?

People on bikes want to go where everybody else does – to destinations. As most of the destinations are along major roads and are concentrated in urban villages like Oak Bay Village. That means the protected bike lanes need to go where the destinations are.

Only one route?

We’re asking for both Oak Bay Ave and Fort St, as they serve different places.

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